福岡博多にある JOY CHURCH(ジョイチャーチ・ジョイ教会)はプロテスタントの超教派の単立教会ですJOY CHURCHは、日本人を中心に約10か国の人々が集まっているインターナショナル教会です。比較的に若い方が多くいますので、活気あふれる教会です。キリストにおいてみんな同じ兄弟姉妹として賛美やゴスペル、説教、バイブルスタディなどの各種プログラムやアクティビティを楽しく行っています。説教は日本語でしますが、かわりにいろんな国のことばへの説教翻訳ペーパを用意しています。英語に関しては、必要であれば同時通訳も可能です。宗教臭いという雰囲気ではありません。クリスチャン・ノンクリスチャン区別なく楽しくしています。
■THE IMPORTANCE OF ONE MAN (一人ひとりを大事にする教会)
詩篇16:3 地にある聖徒たちには威厳があり、私の喜びはすべて、彼らの中にあります。
■OPENING CHURCH(クリスチャン・ノンクリスチャンのすべてに開かれた教会)
マタイの福音書11:28 すべて、疲れた人、重荷を負っている人は、わたしのところに来なさい。わたしがあなたがたを休ませてあげます。29 わたしは心優しく、へりくだっているから、あなたがたもわたしのくびきを負って、わたしから学びなさい。そうすればたましいに安らぎが来ます。
教会は両目をもっていなければならないと思います。片目は、信じない方とこの社会です。まず、私たちの教会は、「この社会の信じない多くの方に向けて、限りなくオープンになりたい!」と願っています。教会は決して信じる者だけの専用物ではありません。むしろ、神様は今も信じない多くの人々に目を向けていると思います。それで私たちは信じない方にとっても、居心地のよい場所として用いられることを願っています。「来て楽しい! 来て癒されてよかった! 来て何か学べた! また来たくなった!」と言われたい、これが私たち教会の願いです。そのために教会メンバー以外の方でも、気軽に参加できるボランティアーサークルが、いくつかあります。子持ちのお母さんのためのゴスペル教室、韓国語教室、国際感覚を養うための子ども英語聖書学校や英語礼拝などを設けています。だれもが参加費の心配なく、気軽に参加できるようになっています。今も多くのノンクリスチャンの方々や子どもたちが活動に参加しています。
■CLOSING CHURCH (神様と親密な関係を大事にする教会)
詩篇73:28 しかし私にとっては、神の近くにいることが、しあわせなのです。私は、神なる主を私の避け所とし、あなたのすべてのみわざを語り告げましょう。
JOY CHURCH 姜 錫在(Kang Seokjea)
JOY CHURCH in Hakata, Fukuoka is a Protestant interdenominational independent church. JOY CHURCH is an international church with people from about 10 countries, mainly Japanese. There are many young people, so it is a lively church. We enjoy various programs and activities such as praise, gospel, sermons, and Bible studies as all brothers and sisters in Christ. Sermons are in Japanese, but instead, sermon translation papers into various languages are available. Simultaneous translation into English is also possible if necessary. It is not a religious atmosphere. We have fun without distinguishing between Christians and non-Christians.
The following are the church policies that our church considers important.
JOY CHURCH's Emphasis
We hope to show love for God and neighbors based on faithfulness to the Bible. The following are the church policies that our church considers important.
■THE IMPORTANCE OF ONE MAN (A church that values each and every person)
Psalm 16:3 The saints on earth are majestic, and all my joy is in them.
Jesus not only worked to value his 12 disciples, but also each and every person. He treated people not as one of the crowd, but as special and different beings. We also want to work as a church that values each and every believer. This is the shortcut to leading people to infinite growth and shining. Jesus also spent time with each of his disciples for three and a half years, helping them grow. That is why the disciples, who were ordinary and uneducated, grew into apostles who move the world.
■OPENING CHURCH (A church that is open to all, Christians and non-Christians)
Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
I think a church should have two eyes. One eye is for unbelievers and for society. First of all, our church wishes to be as open as possible to the many unbelievers in society. The church is not just for believers. Rather, I think God is still looking out for the many unbelievers. So we hope to be used as a comfortable place for non-believers as well. We want people to say, "I had fun here! I'm glad I came and was healed! I learned something here! I want to come again!" This is our church's wish. To that end, we have several volunteer groups that even non-church members can easily participate in. We have gospel classes for mothers with children, Korean language classes, children's English Bible school to cultivate an international sensibility, and English worship services. Anyone can easily participate without worrying about the participation fee. Even now, many non-Christians and children participate in our activities.
■CLOSING CHURCH (A church that values an intimate relationship with God)
Psalm 73:28 But for me, it is good to be close to God. I will take refuge in the Lord my God and declare all your works.
The church must keep one eye on the many who do not believe, but the other eye on those who believe, and strive to help each person get closer to God. It is very important and crucial for believers to CLOSE to God. In other words, by following Christ in imitation of him and having good fellowship with him every day, we can live spiritually fulfilled and fruitful lives every day.
JOY CHURCH Kang Seokjea