JOY CHURCHは、グローバルの教会です。イエス様は、マタイ8:19-20で、”あなた方は行ってあらゆる国の人々を弟子としなさい”と言われています。私たちは限られた地域に生きていますが、心は世界を考えながら生きる必要があります。
The Importance of a Healthy Church !
JOY CHURCH is a global church. Jesus said in Matthew 8:19-20, "Go and make disciples of all the nations." We live in a limited area, but we need to live with the world in mind.
First of all, this church aims to be a healthy church. In the midst of a strong distrust of religion, we strive to help people know the true greatness of the Bible. We hope to eliminate all elements that disturb the God of the Bible and the original greatness of the Bible. In particular, one of our missions is to correctly understand and convey the gospel. We will pursue "being correct biblically, ethically, and socially." I think the first thing to consider when choosing a church should be whether it is a healthy church. Choosing a church is very important for believers. It can even be said that eternal life depends on it. Therefore, I think it's fine to look at several churches, not just this one, and make a decision. Or, I think you can decide when you are convinced after coming to this church for a few weeks. There is no need to rush.
Next, we aim to be a healthy church. We hope to exist as a healthy church while maintaining soundness that is biblically, ethically and doctrinally correct. As believers in a God of power, grace and love, we want to be healthy in mind, body and spirit, and we pray that we will become a church that can show and share God's love to ourselves and those around us.
Finally, people are free to come or not to our church. Faith is a personal choice, so while we can give advice, the final choice is an individual's. We value each individual while also respecting their choice.